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How to run a successful adsterra or AdSense arbitrage.

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How to run a successful adsterra or AdSense arbitrage.

Today I will be giving you guys a step by step guide on How to run a successful adsterra or AdSense arbitrage with Facebook sponsor ads.

What's adsterra or AdSense arbitrage?

This is simply the simplest way to drive traffic to your adsterra or AdSense monetized blog or affiliate link using third party sponsor ads. You can use third party advertising platforms like adsterra itself, Facebook sponsor ads, Naira Land sponsor ads and others. 

Use any advertising platform that will give you a good traffic in return, Don't pay for ads that won't give you even up to a dollar for about $10 spent, it will really be a lost.

So we Will basically be discussing on Facebook sponsor ads because it's cheap and good for arbitrage. You must not use just the mentioned monetizing platforms above, you can also use affiliate product or monetized shortened links which will earn you some cash in return.

11 top best ways on how to run a successful adsterra or AdSense arbitrage.

1. First of all, you have to create an adsterra account, after creating the account, create a direct link and if you are not using a direct link, you can create an active blog with relevant content that will solve your visitors problems, you can use AI generated content, it doesn't really matters because you won't be depending on SEO. Many people go for scholarship content when running arbitrage, you can also try that niche also. Or go for free data niche

2. After that, add your adsterra NATIVE and SOCIAL BAR ads to the site and make sure the ads are well placed. Don't add too much ads on the blog because it will also reduce your CPM which will give you low earnings. Hope you know with adsterra direct links, they don't count clicks, they count just the number of impressions and pay you just for that. 

3. Go to play store and download "Meta ads manager". Before(at first), it was called Facebook ads manager but it was later on updated to Meta ads manager so don't be confused when you see any of those two names. Download the app from play store if you are on Android user and from apple store if you are an iOS user.

Make sure you have an active Facebook account without limitations or restrictions. Login in the "Meta ads manager" with your active Facebook account I Suggest you create a new account just for this purpose.

4. Get an active dollar card and top it up with any amount with the minimum of $1 and above. If you are in Nigeria, you can use dollar cards from apps like Wise, Chipper Cash, Barter and others.

5. After logging in the app, create your first campaign/Ad and set the CPC that's the amount you will pay Facebook for one linm click that's the cost per click. Set it to $0.04 this CPC is good and it will generate you good amount of link clicks and if your currency is in naira, you can set the CPC to 0.25 or 0.36 Naira. 

Run the ad According to what's in your account because you can't set a campaign for $20 and you have $5 in your account it's impossible na.

6. After setting the cost per link click amount, upload the ad cover picture that is, a well designed attractive photo that talks about your blog and if you are using direct link, use a picture that talks about money or women and avoid pictures that have anything concerning p*rn or s*x because it will be rejected.

7. Set your audience/Target locations to USA, Canada, Germany and other tier one countries because this country have a good cpm on adsterra and this will give you good earnings.

8. After that, add a brief introduction or label that will be display below on on top of your ad, you must have seen that on Facebook sponsor ads right?. Your label should be very attractive and make sure you use something attractive.

9. Add your web or ads link where they are asking for your website link. If you were doing this for a blog, you have to add the blog link and if it was for your direct link, you will have to add the direct link there. What if you were doing this for AdSense? Just get your monetized blog link on google search results. Go to bitly and shorten the link there, don't use any ads link shortener like shorten the link and use it in the Facebook ad.

Why you shortened the url was not because it was long, but because AdSense hate social media traffic especially Facebook traffic. You did this to convert the traffic from social traffic to a referred traffic. You can also get your blog url on Google and shorten. 

10. Add your ad expiration date. Yeah, you have to add the end date for the ad that is the exact day that the ad will stop. Remember set everything according to your account balance.

After doing all this, go ahead and agree with their terms and conditions of services 

11. Now send the ad for review.
If the ad get approved, it will be live on Facebook but if it doesn't, they will notify you.

With all this steps, I am very much sure that you can earn as more money from any ad network using arbitrage if you really understand this post. You know one can't write all what's in his head on one post and if I do, you won't have power to read such lengthy content.

See you making some cool cash from blogging. Don't forget to share this post.

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  1. Nice one
  2. Great writup... Keep it up!
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